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Vol. 23, No. 2: Summer 2017

  //  summer 2017

Cowboys in Love Valley. The Atlanta Cyclorama. Braceros of Ciudad Juárez. A natural history of Bonaventure. Freedom at McLeod Plantation. And more!

Table of Contents


An Atlanta Monument

by Daniel Judt

Threads, End of Another Day

by Michael Chitwood
Threads would cling to them,pants, purses, yokes of dresses,as they walked or trotted across the parking lot, releasedby the four o’clock bell. In the building at my backI could feel the throb of second shiftworking the fine strandsthat, which was it?, held them upor held them back from better lives. Country tunes trailed them out »

Goldband Records

A Peek Inside this Southern Folklife Collection

by Steven Weiss
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