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A Tidewater Reader

Food is the door through which Bernard L. Herman brings readers to deep human ecologies of the Eastern Shore of Virginia. From large, dark drum fish to little shimmery spot to eels, oysters, and corn, from “marsh to field to table,” Herman listens carefully, partakes heartily, and responds poetically to the sense of belonging food »

Bounty Everlasting: Poetry from 25 years of Southern Cultures

“Bounty Everlasting” seems a perfect way to describe poetry from twenty-five years of Southern Cultures. From its earliest days, the journal has featured poets whose ability to encapsulate and transform human experience is both quintessentially southern and a testament to their ability to make the most wide-ranging subjects feel deeply familiar and local to the »

Fresh or Fried: A Southern Cultures Seafood Reader

Plus, three essential accompaniments: a sleeve of saltines, a bottle of Florida hot sauce, and a wedge of Ocracoke fig cake. Subscribe to Southern Cultures and receive a Seafood Reader tea towel, illustrated by Julienne Alexander.