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The House of Percy: Honor, Melancholy, and Imagination in a Southern Family, and The Literary Percys: Family History, Gender, and the Southern Imagination by Bertram Wyatt-Brown (Review)

by Tom McHaney
Oxford University Press, 1994. University of Georgia Press, 1994. As he did with his work on southern honor (Southern Honor: Ethics and Behavior in the Old South and Honor and Violence in the Old South), historian Bertram Wyatt-Brown has made two books of very different scale out of his formidable research into the long and »

The Correspondence of Shelby Foote and Walker Percy Edited by Jay Tolson (Review)

by Fred Hobson
Center for Documentary Studies in Association with W. W. Norton, 1997 Stories of close friendships abound in American literature—Hawthorne and Melville, Mark Twain and William Dean Howells, Dreiser and Mencken—but few such friendships began so early in life as that between the novelist Walker Percy and the novelist-historian Shelby Foote. They met when both were »

A Communion of the Spirits: African-American Quilters, Preservers, and Their Stories by Roland L. Freeman (Review)

by David Crosby
Routledge Hill Press, 1996 The frontispiece of A Communion of the Spirits is a very familiar image for those who have followed Roland Freeman’s photo-documentary work over the last twenty years. Taken in August 1976, the black-and-white photograph shows Hettie Barnes, a quilter from Wilkinson County, Mississippi, sitting in a rocking chair on her front »

Florida Indians and the Invasion from Europe by Jerald T. Milanich (Review)

by Amy Turner Bushnell
University Press of Florida, 1995 Jerald Milanich, curator of archaeology at the Florida Museum of Natural History, is the editor or author of twelve books on the early history of Florida, most recently, three hefty volumes: Hernando de Soto and the Indians of Florida (with Charles Hudson, 1993), Archaeology of Precolumbian Florida (1994), summarizing twelve »

A New Plantation South: Land, Labor, and Federal Favor in Twentieth-Century Arkansas by Jeannie M. Whayne (Review)

by Gilbert C. Fite
University Press of Virginia, 1996 Few aspects of agricultural and rural history have been more thoroughly studied than plantations. Planters and plantations have not only drawn the detailed attention of scholars, but of novelists and popular writers as well. This special interest may be explained because over time plantation agriculture has been associated with slavery, »

Gastonia 1929: The Story of the Loray Mill Strike by John A. Salmond (Review)

by Michelle Brattain
University of North Carolina Press, 1995 In the preface to Gastonia 1929, John Salmond describes his purpose as “simply to tell the story of the events of 1929,” but this book, an elegantly crafted and insightful synthesis, defies such a modest description. Although Salmond provides no new overarching thesis, the work reflects the author’s research into new »

Understanding Flannery O’Connor by Margaret Earley Whitt, Flannery O’Connor: The Woman, the Thinker, the Visionary by Ted R. Spivey, and Writing against God: Language as Message in the Literature of Flannery O’Connor by Joanne Halleran McMullen (Review)

by Rachel V. Mills
University of South Carolina Press, 1995; Mercer University Press, 1995; Mercer University Press, 1996 Mary Flannery O’Connor, of Savannah and Milledgeville, Georgia, left in her short life an amazing inheritance parading as southern fiction. Going north to write, she attracted considerable attention in the Iowa writers program and spent valuable time with other appreciative writers »
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